Economia Circolare e Rifiuti Zero con l’upcycling degli scarti provenienti dai processi di gestione degli impianti elettrici
(extract from the document "Proposal POR PVCupcycling" pp. 30-32)
(C) The system of indicators for the quantification of the expected results follows the logical structure of the outputs (par.4.7) referring to
- the general objectives of the PVCupcycling project: a process innovation implemented by REDEL through the transition from a linear economic model to a circular model in which the whole part of the waste (PVC and copper) coming from the decommissioning of the electrical cables of industrial plants is recycled into eco-sustainable products (de-manufacturing); a product innovation implemented with the study and the realisation of eco-sustainable products containing recycled PVC (re - manufacturing).
- outputs relating to new processes, technological solutions and prototypes, summarised as follows: Innovative Processes Output, Technological Solutions Output, Prototypes Output.
The monitoring to be carried out will be multilevel and the indicators may be classified in:
1) financial implementation indicators (on the project) to quantify the financial execution of the actions implemented by the O.U. of the joint project;
2) procedural implementation indicators (on the project) to monitor some aspects of the quality of the project management by the coordinating subject in itinere and at the conclusion of the WPs and of the project itself; physical implementation indicators (on the WPs);
3) Result indicators (on outputs);
4) effectiveness and efficiency indicators (on the project).