Economia Circolare e Rifiuti Zero con l’upcycling degli scarti provenienti dai processi di gestione degli impianti elettrici
Circular Economy and Zero Waste with the upcycling of waste from the management processes of electrical systems.
Engineering of supply chains and logistics of networked laboratories, C. Nava (2018)
R.ED.EL. - Reggina Edilizia Elettrica
Via Patera, 12, 89052, Zona Industriale, Campo Calabro, Reggio Calabria
The organizational chart of the company R.Ed.EL is structured on the management of the operational figures of its directors and legal representatives: Barreca Demetrio (high school diploma with over 20 years of experience in the sector); Barreca Umberto (high school certificate, with experience in the field for over 15 years, currently vice president of Young Entrepreneurs - Confindustria Reggio Calabria and delegate to the company's Research and Development - Top Management).
The managers of the technical staff are: Barreca Demetrio, Barreca Umberto and Rotilio Antonino.
RSPP: Barreca Umberto; RLS: Polimeni Vincenzo (upper secondary school diploma with over 10 years experience in the sector). Over 50 units used in the production, administration and person services, production, logistics and sales.
With reference to the start-up of Research and Development, the company has been testing its dedicated organization chart since 2015 with reference to the functions of Top Mangement and Human Resources Management (resp.Barreca Umberto), with the support of the technostructure of the staff with UO Technical-scientific (collaboration and consulting) and UO Marketing and Industrial Design (assignment of services); with the use and specialization of some human resources at the disposal of the current staff on the "process line" with reference to the U.O. Administration and staff; U.O. Production; U.O Logsitica; U.O. Commercial and Quality.
(see the Research and Development section on the R.ED.EL website)
Operative units in PVC Upcycling
Administrator Umberto Barreca
Business Manager
Consuelo Nava
Researcher UniRC / Coordinator and project manager of the PVC UpCycling project
With the technical counselling on sustainability and innovation of
The leading subject R.ED.EL, proposing experimentation and industrialization on the PVC UpCycling case, participates in all the activities foreseen in the WP, except for those directly connected to the tests and the characterization of the product, with n. Of units and competences directly related to the operational lines on all WPs and with the top management of the joint project.
With the responsible entrepreneur Umberto Barreca, legal representative, who will retain the role of top management from the point of view of the operational management of the project and with reference to contacts with companies in the market of interest for the activities as well as for the supply of material and equipment to used in the activities, the same will be the operating interface with the 3 employees expected among the staff that will be used for the production de-manufacturing activities and for the use of the equipment, they already have experience on some reference methods and techniques of recycle processes on aluminum and copper.
Furthermore, to qualify the Top Management from the technical-scientific point of view, the advice of an expert researcher will be employed, who has already started research, innovation and development in the field of sustainability and circularity of sustainable production processes and for the circular economy "cradle to cradle "and recycling strategies applied to supply chains of innovative products and components, with experiences at national and European level and with the company R.ED.EL for specific experience in the sector (cf CV Consuelo Nava), the same will assume the role coordination of the joint project. On the staff of the R.ED.EL there are also 3 consulting units: 1 expert qualified for activities on energy-environmental profiles and LCA inventory; n. 1 qualified expert for scouting activities for certification and brevity; 1 expert qualified in Ecodesign and Additive Manufacturing and Marketing services. The administrative operative unit is joined to the present technical operative unit.
UNICAL - Università della Calabria, DIATIC - Dipartimento di Ingegneria per l'Ambiente e il Territorio e Ingegneria Chimica
Via Pietro Bucci, 87036, Arcavacata di Rende (CS) - Cubo 42A, 2 p.
The DIATIC is made up of 40 role teachers (23 between Full and Associate Professors) and more than 15 permanent technicians. The skills hosted in the department mainly concern two main themes related to each other: the sustainability of production processes or transformation and the study of the environment with reference to environmental sustainability and the impact of anthropization on the territory. This allows, in a multidisciplinary approach, the study of complex issues of technological innovation in the field of industrial production with the aim of reducing emissions, waste and impact on the territory and communities to zero. DIATIC has extensive experience in national research projects (POR, PON, FISR) and international (7Fp, H2020). Only by limiting the latter, DIATIC has been involved in European projects with a total budget of over € 7 million, with particular reference to reducing the environmental impact of industrial processes through process intensification techniques (DOUBLENANOMEM Budget € 350k, € 750k DEMCAMER € 250k Bioart € 180k REAPOWER € 140k EC2), as well as being responsible for the project of the MEDINA project (total budget around € 3m) concentrated on the production processes of sustainability.
Operative units in PVC Upcycling
Prof. Eng. Massimo Migliori
Project representative
Prof. Girolamo Giordano
Full Professor of Environmental Chemical Engineering
Director of DIATIC
Prof. Siglinda Perathoner
Prof. Gabriele Centi
Doc. Alessia Marino
PhD Candidate SIACE
DIATIC - Unical
The partner Unical_Diatic, Department of environmental engineering and of the territory and chemical engineering, participates with the research group of Industrial Chemistry and Catalysis, directed by prof. Girolamo Giordano, ordinary and director of the Department, with a University Researcher, a Graduate Technician and a PhD student. The group has been active for over thirty years in the synthesis, characterization and testing of nanostructured materials to support sustainable chemical production. The field of application of these materials ranges from the energy field, to the oil field up to medical applications and in the food sector. The group, besides being able to make use of all the scientific structures present in the University of Calabria, has a laboratory of over 400 square metre that houses, in addition to the normal equipment of an industrial chemistry laboratory, the specific instrumentation necessary for scientific activities: structural analysis, chemical analysis, activity analysis. A 10-position multi-reactor for conducting experiments to characterize the chemical activity of the liquid and gaseous materials. In particular, on PVC UpCycling research, the available skills are provided by n. 1 Full Professor: this unit of staff will provide support to the scientific referent on the aspects of managing relations with partners and consultants; n ° 1 university researcher prof. Massimo Migliore, with the role of scientific referent will have the task of coordinating scientific activities and managing the project in concert with the partners; n ° 1 Laboratory Technician: with the role of support for the condition of the laboratory scientific activity; n ° 1 Research Fellow (to be recruited within the project): with the role of conducting the scientific laboratory activity and proceeding with the elaboration of the experimental data.
ENEA - Agenzia nazionale per le nuove tecnologie, l'energia e lo sviluppo economico sostenibile.
S.S. 106 Ionica, km 419+500, 75026 Rotondella (MT)
The organizational structure of ENEA is led by the President who, through various central organs, oversees three Departments (Fusion and Technologies for Nuclear Safety, Sustainability of Production and Territorial Systems, Energy Technologies) and various Directions ( The Departments are divided into Divisions and each of them in several Laboratories. On the whole national territory there are various research centers and regional operative offices including the one in the Calabria Region. The operational sector in the project is that of materials for energy efficiency: the research group involved, coordinated by Eng. De Fazio, operates in the field of innovative materials for energy efficiency and currently consists of 13 units of which 10 graduates (civil engineers, mechanical, chemical and materials, electronic) and three graduates (electrical and industrial experts). In the last 5 years the group has been particularly active with research projects and consultancy to companies, in the field of development and characterization of eco-innovative and sustainable materials.
Operative Unit PVC Upcycling
Eng. Corradino Sposato
Project representative
Eng. Piero De Fazio