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Circular Economy and Zero Waste with the upcycling of waste from the management processes of electrical systems.
Organizational structure
top management

The organizational and functional structure is designed "for processes". It refers to an integrated and transversal view of the aggregated subject, which acts with the presence for each member on almost all WPs, managing the activities related to the triggered processes and not as a summation of hierarchically coordinated functions. The role of the top management (R.ED.EL) in the coordination and management of the project will also be to promote "the creation of value" for the role of members and the useful experiences transversally, for the professional skills held. It is therefore highlighted in a matrix and vertical flow diagram, with the level of Top Management entrusted to the R.ED.EL through a unit of staff responsible for technical-scientific coordination, for a consistent curricular profile and services as a consultant ( see cv Prof.ssa C.Nava). Then the framework of the technical-scientific units and the corresponding administrative management units, with the referents for the project.

R.ED.EL: the "top management" unit of the project, that will carry out the technical-scientific activities for the company includes other 3 units of competence: 1 for the entrepreneurial and commercial aspects related to the innovation processes and development in the figure of entrepreneur Umberto Barreca and No. 3 operators in the de-manufacturing chain and No. 1 also re-manufacturing.

For Unical - Diatic, the unit includes the referent of the project Prof.Massimo Migliori, which will deal with the management of scientific activities and management of the partner, using the support of Prof. Girolamo Giordano and the collaboration of dr. Ing. Alfredo Aloise, a graduate technician of Diatic and concerning the conduct of the scientific activities planned. The competence of the interested parties can be deduced from the scientific publications in international journals contained in the main databases (Scopus, Web of Science). In addition to these employees and collaborators specifically recruited for scientific activities, Diatic has transversal skills (from basic sciences to sustainable technologies) able to ensure the coverage of any knowledge necessary for the development of the project activities.

For ENEA, the referent of the project will be the Eng. Corradino Sposato with the Eng. Piero De Fazio (Researcher), three researchers and a technical collaborator, all with decennial experience in the field of innovative materials for energy efficiency, with particular regard to the study of durability with accelerated aging techniques (temperature , frost thaw, humidity, corrosion, rain, saturated environments of sulfides) and to the performance monitoring of materials with non-destructive control techniques (thermography, ultrasound, RX). Based on these experiences gained in various research projects and consolidated through various publications and design reports for internal use, ENEA researchers will articulate their activities in relation to the qualification of materials for energy efficiency. In particular, they will be affected; a) the non-destructive testing sector (CND), b) the destructive testing sector, c) the durability sector.

The operation defined with the activities necessary for the operation of the project process line of:
- WP and output, with the reference activities of the technical-scientific units
- The services and consultancy, referred, in addition to the performance of top management to some other activities traceable in the wp, such as:

  • the construction of the inventory and the definition of the environmental-energy profile on the upcycling component (WP3.4)

  • design activity, prototyping (...) (WP4.2)

  • the acquisition and preparation of information for certification and patent procedures (WP5.3)

  • the communication activity for the commercial promotion and brand of pilot products (WP6.3)

  • the activity to support the determination of the types of treatment of PVC surface compatibilization (WP3.1)

- The control and management of the budget, coordinated by R.ED.EL, with the referents of the administrative units of the single units
- Manufacturing activities, typical of the company supply chain and their process of innovation towards the economy circula and second engineering of activities and process rump-ups (WP1)
- Dissemination activities, foreseen in the intermediate steps as verification of the experimentation and production of the techno-scientific reports (WP6.1) and the activity of scientific dissemination of the project for the SS and RI activities, to conclusion (WP6.2), with the contribution of the whole aggregate subject.

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